10 Plays to Show Your Staff You’re Grateful (For Them) This Holiday

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f you’re hearing Mariah Carey or the legendary Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer right now, it’s time to put some serious thought into showing your staff how grateful you are for them this season.  

BookedBy is here to make 10 recommendations to share some joy and appreciation. By doing so, you’re being an awesome person, but you’re also helping build the culture that retains staff.  

Like we mentioned in The No Nonsense Guide to Launching Your First Salon, a recent study found 65% of salon owners reported struggling with high staff turnover issues, and 61% of salon employees leave within year one. So, yeah, let’s avoid that by any means possible.  

Top 10 Plays to Show Your Staff They Are Appreciated

  1. Bring the Right Attitude (24/7/365)

It’s amazing how far the right attitude and approach will take you. Consider reading management books like Radical Candor to help you as an owner or manager grow your toolset for managing teams while growing your humanity towards them. Your staff will respect you more, appreciate you more, and you will get more out of them.

Kim Scott learned some great management skills in her time with amazing business leaders.
  1. Throw a Holiday Staff Event

Plan an event, ideally before December, somewhere that allows for (1) good food and drink, (2) a relaxed/fun atmosphere – avoid hectic and busy, and (3) make sure it’s quiet enough for everyone to chit chat and talk about everything BESIDES business. Tell them, no shop talk! Build comradery among the group, foster meaningful relationships, and grow more than just the business.  

  1. Communicate Your Appreciation

Throughout the month, make it a point to write a letter or record a video for each staff member. Tell them specific reasons why you appreciate them as a person and as a staff member. Make’em laugh or make’em cry, but dig deep and communicate your authentic, positive feelings about them. Mean it or don’t say it, and this is not the place to coach them. Share gratitude, only.

  1. Get Some Team Spirit  

Create something desirable to wear or possess that represents your salon or spa team spirit and surprise the staff. T-Shirts, crazy hats, or whatever you think will strike joy in the hearts of your team. Doesn’t have to be crazy expensive, just needs to fit your culture.  

  1. Celebrate the Big Moments

Set reminders for yourself to celebrate all staff birthdays, equally. Buy the cake, get the card signed by the entire crew, get a small but meaningful gift. And remember that stat about 61% of employees failing to make it to year one? Advertise a special gift for employees that hit that year one goal, and the bigger the anniversary number, the bigger the celebration. For the year end, celebrate team members that crushed goals for the year using your reporting software.  

  1. Be There for Them

It’s not all unicorns and rainbows out there. When staff members experience a personal tragedy or if they mentally struggle during the holidays, when they’re hurting, quietly reach out to them and offer your support. If you genuinely care about your team, and you should if you want to run a successful operation, make sure you’re there for them in their moments of need. There’s likely nothing you can do for them, but the gesture is powerful if you mean it.  

  1. Overcommunicate

No one likes surprises. Make it a point to regularly update staff about the highs and lows of the business, upcoming changes (note “upcoming changes” not “today’s changes”) and challenges, and always give them a chance to react before pushing anything live.  

  1. Be an Amazing Listener

Listening isn’t waiting for your chance to speak; it’s absorbing what’s being said to you. When staff members grab your ear, give them the courtesy of listening, fully. If they’re upset, make sure you identify if (1) they’re just venting, or (2) it’s a real issue they want you to react to. Everyone needs to blow off steam now and again, but you need to react to anything they identify as a real issue. Listening makes it all possible.  

  1. Support Work/Life Balance

We all know how busy this month is. That said, make sure that no one is running themselves ragged. Keep an eye on schedules and make sure your shop is closed on appropriate days. Back to the staff retention challenges. For a more robust list of things to consider regarding work/life balance, check out Liz McKeon’s article in American Salon on the subject.  

  1. Adopt Shop Technology That Makes Their Life Easier

Staff members get burnt out doing repetitive tasks that take them away from client facetime (aka where they make their money). So don’t force them to do your dirty work; get a robust solution for booking, walk-ins, check-ins, upsells, appointment reminders, marketing, and so on. Be the salon that’s on top of their game. Check out BookedBy on Clover for the most sleek, modern and easy to use salon and spa management system available.  


It all begins with your mindset on how you want to be as a leader of people. People often underestimate the effort that goes into it. Never stop learning about how you can be the manager everyone wishes they could work for. All the other tactics we suggest can be modified to fit your business vibe and culture. Now, go celebrate your staff and enjoy your time together.


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