16 Tips for Crafting Your Salon's Social Media Plan

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Embarking on a successful social media journey for your salon involves careful planning and execution. Let's dive into the details of each crucial step to ensure your online presence resonates with clients and keeps them coming back for more.

1.Define Your Brand Persona & Find Your Shop’s Voice.

Start by identifying the core values and personality of your salon. Are you a classic gentlemen's haven or a trendy and modern spot? Define your brand persona clearly, as it will serve as the foundation for your social media content.

Now imagine a character from film, TV or history, an embodiment of that persona. Imagine the voice coming from them to power the copy on all the posts you create.

For staff members and their personal profiles, just make sure their vibe meets the shop’s persona. Make sure it’s a fit, but not necessarily a carbon copy.  

Also, check out The No Nonsense Guide to Launching Your First Salon for a more in-depth explanation of the brand strategy creation process.

2.Know Your Audience.

Understanding your target audience is essential. Conduct demographic research to discover their age, interests, and preferred social media platforms. Follow who they follow; consume what they consume. You can’t fake it. Tailor your content to align with their preferences, ensuring that your posts resonate with your ideal clients.

3.Choose the Right Platforms.

Selecting the appropriate social media platforms is crucial. Instagram is ideal for visually showcasing your craftsmanship, while Facebook may be suitable for community building. Consider platforms where your target audience is most active, ensuring maximum visibility.  

Of course, if you’re shooting longer videos, YouTube is a desirable channel – especially with the connectivity to Google search. If anything, create a YouTube channel with at least one video showing what’s special about your shop.  

YouTube videos can be longform vs. a short clip and also heavily impact SEO. (Credit: Jo Jo Nails)

TikTok’s growing U.S. Audience is estimated to have about 80 million monthly active users in the United States, 60% female, 40% male. 60% are between the ages of 16-24. 26% are between the ages 25-44.  

Snapchat is another emerging channel in the U.S., with the majority (48%) of users being 15-25, 26-35 (30%), 36-45 (18%), 46-55 (11%), and those 56 and older make up just 5% of the platform.

Most importantly, don’t over-commit. Focus on the best channels for you and don’t over-extend your content effort.  

4.Build a Linktree to showcase all of your accounts.

Use the free service Linktree to add all your social media links, contact links, website link and Google Map link in one digital portal and share that link on your social media profiles. Doing so makes it easier for clients and potential clients to connect with you on the channels they prefer.  

Example of a Linktree profile. (Credit: Nebula Massage)

5.Create Engaging Content.

Capture the essence of your salon with high-quality visuals and engaging content. No kidding, right?  

Content types to consider:

  • Before & after images and videos: Neuromarketing has taught us the human brain loves to see before and after photos. These images are critical to showcasing your staff’s talent.
  • How-to-videos: How-to-videos are quite popular and allow you and your staff to bring educational value to the world.  
  • Good deeds: Never underestimate the power of doing something nice for someone less fortunate, on or off social media. Never take advantage of someone’s position for your gain but also don’t be afraid to share the love and communicate the positivity.  
  • Customer stories: Consider running features of clients and their stories, as long as they’re into it.
  • Beyond showcasing haircuts, share behind-the-scenes moments, introduce your barbers, and provide snippets of your shop's personality. Show your authentic selves.  
  • Promotions, acknowledging significant days of the year, etc.  

6.Image quality.

For those knockout photos of before and after shots, we strongly recommend investing in a ring light. Good natural light works but you can’t always depend on having it when you need it.  

Depending on natural light can leave you with Before & After pics that work but don’t quite match up. (Credit: Indie Mane)

Another consideration should be creating a “set” to showcase client work.

Create a set that’s easy to use and represents your brand. (Credit: Karen Wright Salon)

7.Develop a Content Calendar.

Consistency is key in social media. Create a content calendar outlining what and when you'll post. Plan ahead for special occasions, seasonal promotions, or any events happening in your salon. This ensures a steady flow of content and keeps your audience engaged.

Again, this advice isn’t just for the shop’s social profiles, encourage staff to think about their profiles as their own media outlets, spreading awareness and building demand for your services, and doing so on a consistent basis.

Staff pics from their own profiles amplify your story. (Credit: Chadwick Brian)

8.Encourage Client Participation.

This is key -- Turn your clients into ambassadors by encouraging them to share their fresh cuts and tag your salon. User-generated content adds authenticity to your feed and fosters a sense of community.  

Obviously, be selective with who you choose to ask, as their engagement will be a de facto representation of your salon.

9.Utilize Hashtags Wisely.

Craft unique and relevant hashtags, including geotags that reflect your brand and grooming style. Research popular grooming and salon hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content. A well-chosen hashtag can make your posts part of larger grooming conversations.

For example, at the time of this post, the hashtag #barbershop had 41.6 billion views on TikTok.

Never underestimate the power of a proper #hashtag. (Credit: Natural Nail)

10.Engage with Your Audience.

Social media is a two-way street. Respond promptly to comments, answer inquiries, and engage with your audience's content. Building a genuine connection fosters loyalty and keeps your salon top of mind.

And when they troll you, and they will troll you, be clever, be sharp...but, most importantly, always be on brand. Save the emotional, upset reactions for others.  

11.Showcase Your Team.

Humanize your brand by introducing your barbers to the digital world. Share their stories, expertise, and even their favorite grooming tips. Clients love to connect with the faces behind the scissors, building trust and personalizing your brand.

And remember when Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said, “'Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” It’s often easier to love a specific person than a business as a whole. Get personal.  

Smiles don’t lie -- team spirit is a real thing and potential clients can feel it. (Credit: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)

12.Run Contests and Giveaways.

Boost engagement by organizing contests and giveaways. Encourage followers to share, tag friends, or participate in challenges. This not only increases visibility but also generates excitement around your brand. Ensure the prizes are enticing, perhaps a free haircut or grooming product.

Giveaways tied to a community event always makes sense. (Credit: Indie Mane)

13.Highlight Specials and Promotions.

Leverage social media to announce promotions, discounts, or special events exclusively. Create visually appealing graphics or posts that convey the value of your offerings. This strategy rewards your online community and drives traffic to your salon.

Making it a limited time offer helps drive urgency. (Credit: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)

14.Set Goals & Monitor Analytics.

“Set Goals” could have gone earlier in this list, but we recommend you spend some time experimenting, getting a sense of how long it takes to create and curate great content. Once you have a sense of the time and resource investment, for you and staff, THEN set some goals and work to hit them.

Utilize social media analytics tools to track the performance of your posts. Analyze engagement, reach, and follower growth. Use these insights to refine your strategy, emphasizing content that resonates with your audience and optimizing posting times.

If you get deep into your social media monitoring across all channels, you can investigate social media dashboard software like Hootsuite or Sprout Social.  

15.Collaborate with Influencers.

Explore partnerships with local influencers or grooming enthusiasts. These influencers can bring a fresh perspective and introduce your salon to a wider audience. Choose influencers whose aesthetic aligns with your brand for authentic collaborations.  

Make sure you outline any agreements on paper and live up to your obligations. Open-ended agreements with influencers can be a recipe for disaster.  


Make sure whoever is given access to the shop’s profiles uses a password manager and keeps their accounts secure.  

The last thing any shop wants is a compromised account spouting terrible things on social media. Recovering from those disasters is challenging. Avoid it.  


Crafting a compelling social media plan requires attention to detail, creativity, and a deep understanding of your brand and audience. By implementing these strategies, your salon can thrive in the digital space, attracting new clients while fostering loyalty among existing ones. Go make some magic happen.


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